是一款由橄欖油與甜杏仁油組成的身體按摩油,配合薰衣草與廣藿香精油,給您安定放鬆的感受,適合推拿按摩,舒壓舒眠。搭配薰衣草香水也可做髮尾護髮油使用,修護受損髮質。用於頭髮時請勿接觸頭皮避免太油。Relax is a body oil made by olive oil and sweat almond oil. It scented with lavender and Patchouli essential oil. This body oil can use as massage oil, and relax your body. In addition, this oil can also use as hair oil for repairing damage hair. Use with Lavenda perfume can increase the smell. Only apply on hair or body for massage, do not use on scalp. It is too oily to use on scalp.
About this item:
·Oil Control :removes dirt, oil for soft and healthy-looking skin.
·Hydrating :to cleanse and calm stressed, acne-prone skin,less breaks out than ever.
·Not Harsh :pores shrink down to nothing and acne disappeared.
·Easy to Use :not only use in facial cleaning but also on body cleaning.
·Gently refresh:non-comedogenic, non-drying, and non-irritating.
·For :suitable for different skin types, including dry skin, oily skin, acne-prone.